The instructions below are only for creating an invoice for future policy renewal, a very specific task.  

For information about creating invoices for general purposes, click here and see pages 18 - 20 of the EZLynx Accounting User Manual.

To invoice for a future renewal,  the invoice should be created when the policy renews.

If the policy has already renewed, follow these steps to create the invoice:

  1. Go to the Applicant's Overview tab.
  2. Locate the policy, and click Details on the right.
  3. Click the policy's History tab.
  4. Locate the pending renewal transaction and at the left click Actions>Delete.
  5. At the upper left of Policy Summary page, click blue  Actions button, and select Renew.
  6. Review the renewal details for accuracy, and make changes if necessary.
  7. Set Billing Type to Agency.
  8. Select the Billing Company.
  9. Set Generate Invoice field to YES.
  10. Click Renew Policy.
  11. At the Create Invoice screen, invoice for the pending renewal.