Once a transaction in Accounting is finalized, it cannot be edited. So, if a customer's check bounces after an invoice is created with an attached receipt, the receipt needs to be reversed. This allows the invoice to re-open the A/R balance for the customer. Then, a user simply creates a new receipt to record the new payment.


To reverse an existing receipt:

  • Locate the applicant
  • Click the Invoices tab at the top, in blue
  • Scroll down to the Receipts grid, and click blue  reference # link to open receipt

Tip: Use the Search bar to quickly locate a receipt by reference #. Or, click any column header to sort and locate data more quickly.

  • Click blue Actions button, and select Reverse.

  • Wait for the page to refresh, and verify the status shows Reversed.

Next, create the new receipt:

  • On the applicant's Invoices page, click Add Receipt.
  • At Payer, the applicant name is pre-filled.

  • Enter required data, and Save.
  • Click Actions, then select Apply by Invoice.

  • Choose the invoice and click Save.