Do I need an EZLynx Website to Use Consumer Quoting?

No!  An agency's Consumer Quoting URL can be attached to:

  • Any website. For example if you have business relationships and partnerships with banks, credit unions, mortgage companies, real estate offices, etc., you can attach your CQ URL directly to their website and drive traffic to your portal (with their permission and webmaster’s assistance).
  • Marketing emails to new and existing customers. For example if you have access to large email distribution lists, this is an easy and inexpensive way to drive traffic to your portal. 
  • The footer or embedded in a hidden link on all your outgoing office emails. 

All of these options bypass the need of an agency website and provide you with opportunities to grow your book of business. 

Can my customers get live quotes from my agency's website?

Absolutely! Consumer Quoting allows agents to offer live quoting or simply gather consumer information directly from your agency's website. If you've enabled the live quoting option within Consumer Quoting, then your visitors will receive a real time quote!

What can I customize on my Consumer Quoting portal?

Your Consumer Quoting is very customizable.  We’ve done our best to provide a default set of questions and assumptions to get you up and running quickly, but if you require some customization to make your Consumer Quoting better match your needs then please take a look at the following sections.

Fields- Most fields can be customized in one or more of the following ways:

  • Change the wording of an existing question
  • Provide a default answer
  • Make an existing field Required/Optional
  • Make an existing field Visible/Hidden
  • Add Help text

Content- There are several places where content can be customized to suit your needs:

  • Page Titles & Descriptions
  • Button Labels
  • Coverage Basket descriptions
  • Quote Summary message
  • Thank you message
  • Consumer Email
  • Disable Progress Bar
  • Disable the Replacement Cost Calculator

EZTip: Beyond this scope, customization requests are assessed on a case-by-case basis to determine feasibility, and will be subject to an hourly rate of $250 USD/ hr.

To inquire further on the process or to request a CQ Customization, please e-mail: