Personal URLs (PURLs) & the Benefits
Modified on: Thu, 4 Apr, 2024 at 3:47 PM
The Personal URL feature allows a prospect to complete a new EZLynx application, or a customer to update their existing application information at renewal time. The information is saved to the agent’s EZLynx account for quick and easy quoting. This is convenient for the customer, and frees the agent’s time to sell more business.
Personal URLs work in conjunction with the agency’s EZLynx Consumer Quoting portal. If the agency does not have a CQ portal, a default Consumer Quoting portal is used. The type of portal used determines the look of the application pages. When using an agency’s CQ portal, the agency’s custom logos and branding are seen, while using a default portal displays the agency name, agent name and contact information with generic branding.
Personal URL benefits:
- Prospect completes a new EZLynx rating application themselves and information updates in EZLynx.
- Existing customer updates their own EZLynx application before the agent re-quotes at renewal time.
- Agencies with a CQLive portal can enable live quoting. Live quoting provides prospect/customer with a quote immediately after submitting the application from the Personal URL. Otherwise, the prospect/customer receives a message that “an agent will be in touch shortly”.
To gather a prospect’s quoting information:
- Hover over the Applicants icon.
- Select Create New Applicant.
- Enter the prospect’s name, state, zip code and email address – these are the only required fields for sending a Personal URL.
- Click Create New Applicant.
- Send a Personal URL from the applicant’s side pane; the prospect can complete the application themselves.
- The application is automatically updated in EZLynx, and the user receives a notification.
To allow a customer to update their application prior to re-quoting:
- Locate the existing customer using the Search box in the upper left of all EZLynx screens.
- Send a Personal URL from the applicant’s side pane to allow the customer to update their own EZLynx rating application.
- The applicant account is automatically updated in EZLynx for the user, and user receives a notification.

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