Click here for the QuickBooks Online Setup Guide.

The interface between EZLynx Accounting and QuickBooks Online (QBO) provides the best of both worlds –a premium accounting system that meets the specific needs of an insurance agency and the world-leading general ledger software used by more than four million businesses.

Configuration Options
An agency has a few options for configuring the EZLynx and QBO interface. Pick the option that best suits your agency’s operations.

Export Type: Real-Time v. On-demand

Transactions can be exported to QBO as they happen in real-time, or in batches on demand.

  • Real Time: transactions appear in QBO within seconds of posting in EZLynx.
  • On-Demand: transactions are held in EZLynx until you’re ready to export the batch with the quick clickof a button. This mode is useful for controlling when transactions appear in QBO; such as when balancing the books at month end.

Export Transactions: Detail v. Summary

Transactions can be exported to QBO at a detail or summary level.

  • Detail: each individual transaction is sent separately; separate postings for every invoice, receipt, commission statement detail, etc.
    • Detail level is useful for leveraging QBO's robust reporting functionality.
  • Summary: transactions are summed by date and GL account; for example, as a single posting to the Income Account for each day. and a single posting to Accounts Receivable per day.
    • Summary level is best for running detailed premium accounting reports in EZLynx, and using QBO for higher level P&L.
    • NOTE: Summary not available with real-time exports.

Configure the Interface

Once the final GL & check exports are complete, and you’ve decided which configuration options you’ll use, it is time to configure the interface.

  • Click the Accounting icon, then hover over the Accounting icon and select Configuration.
  • Go to the Systems Settings tab, then Agency tab.
  • At QuickBooks Application, select Online Webservices.
  • Select options for Export Type and Export Transactions.
  • At Effective Date, enter today’s date.
  • IMPORTANT: Click Save at the bottom of the page.
  • Click the Connect to QuickBooks button to authorize the interface.
  • In the pop-up, enter a Company Administrator’s QBO credentials.
  • Click Authorize.
  • The EZLynx System Settings QuickBooks status should now show Connected.

Using the Interface

For Real-Time Export, no further action is required. The interface is now running and transactions are sent automatically and immediately go to QBO.

For On-demand Export, begin exporting batches of transactions whenever you’d like.

  • Click the Accounting icon, then hover over the Accounting icon and select General Ledger.
  • Go to the Export to GL tab.
  • Select an As of Date. Generally, it should be today’s date, but you can enter a past date, if desired.
  • Click Process Batch. The transactions are sent to QBO automatically. Both journal entries and checks are sent together.

Before sending any transaction, the EZLynx interface first attempts to verify a matching GL account, customer, and/or vendor in QBO. If not found, EZLynx creates it.

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