Retention Center: Setup & Settings
Modified on: Thu, 13 Jun, 2024 at 7:25 PM
This article will help you find the different Retention Center Settings to help you customize features for the Renewal and Expiration list, set Risk Variable, customize Process Management, if applicable customize Organization Management, and setup Automated Remarketing. If you are ever not sure what a setting does, click on the Information icons to get an info window.
- How to access
- Organization Management
- Renewal List
- Expiration List
- Risk Variables
- Process Management
- Automated Rating
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How to access
To access the Retention Center Settings for your agency, you must be a Retention Center Admin. To check if you have Admin permissions, hover over the Retention Center icon. If you do not see the Settings option, you do not have Admin permissions and will need to work with your Agency Admin to change Retention Center Settings. If you do see this option, you have Admin permissions and can select it to be taken to the Retention Center Settings page.
Organization Management
If your agency has branch organizations, you can decide if you want to see the customers and policies from your branches in your agency's Retention Center lists.
- If you do, choose Yes and then Save.
- If you do not, choose No and then Save.
Renewal List
The Renewal List contains a list of policies that have already received a downloaded or manually entered renewal. An admin can update how customer accounts are displayed under the Renewal List.
Renewal Range
The Renewal Range determines which additional policies will be added to a customer's pending renewal status after receiving the first renewal download. This will have no effect on customers with monoline policies. Select Renewal Range from 30, 60, or 90 days.
Show Closed Policies
Based on the setting above, do you want policies already closed from the Renewal List to appear? Choose Yes or No.
Policy Compare
When using the Difference Report, choose what previous policy version is used for comparison to the new term. Choose between:
- Latest Endorsed Policy vs. Renewal
- Original Issuance of Current Term vs. Renewal
When finished, save your settings by selecting the Save button.
Expiration List
The Expiration List shows all policies set to expire within a given period that do not have a renewal entered. An Admin sets the range for when a policy should appear on the Expiration List, as well as whether to use a warning indicator.
Business Expiration Range
For both Personal and Commercial Lines, you can choose the expiration range which determines when policies for their respective lines appear on the Expiration List. You can choose from 30, 45, 60, 75, or 90 days for both Personal and Commercial Lines.
Expiration Warning Indicator
The Expiration Warning Indicator is a visual indicator on the Expiration tab that would turn red to let users know that a customer who is on the Expiration list is about to expire. You can choose from 5, 10, 15, or 20 days. If the policies expiration date falls within the number of days the warning indicator will appear. Make sure to toggle the Off/On switch if you want to enable this for your agency.
Once you are done with this tab, select the Save button to save your settings before moving to the next tab.
Risk Variables
The algorithm that EZLynx uses to calculate which customers are most at risk to leave your agency can be customized by an Admin.
Premium Change
This setting determines which policies are colored red to indicate a high risk of the customer not renewing their current policy. Set both a percentage increase and premium dollar amount increase. If either of these risks are met, then the policy will change color to indicate risk level.
Additional Risk Criteria
This determines which additional factors are included in the risk calculation to determine the color and risk of a customer not renewing their current policy. Currently the additional risk criteria options are:
- Whether the customer account is labeled as VIP
- If the total annual premium is above a specified dollar amount
To include these in the risk calculation, check the boxes next to the options you would like to include. Once you are done, select the Save button to save your changes before moving to the next tab.
Process Management
Process Management allows an Admin to setup a Renewal Manager column and to customize the statuses available for tracking in Retention Center.
Renewal Manager
Toggle the Off/On button to enable the Renewal Manager column which will appear on the Retention Center Overview page. This is great if your agents manage their respective customer's renewal cycle or if you have a team of agents who only process renewals. However, if you have a single person managing your renewals, then enabling this feature might not be necessary for your agency. The available Renewal Managers are all users with Retention Center access. If enabled, you can also color code each Renewal Manager for ease of reference.
Status Selection
The Status Selection controls which Status options will be available for the entire agency. These statuses help you determine where in the renewal cycle Check the boxes for the statuses you want available on the Status list on the Retention Center Overview page.
Once you are done, select the Save button to save your changes before leaving the Retention Center Settings page.
Automated Rating
The Automated Rating will allow an Admin to configure automated quotes for high-risk accounts in the renewal list. If you ever aren't sure what a setting does, you can select the info icon next to the settings for more details.
Application Update Threshold
The automated rating feature will sync the rating application with the renewal policy information. However, we know that there are times when the renewal policy is not the most up to date information. Therefore, we allow you, the Admin, to set a threshold for the number of days you want the system to recognize for what is sent back into the rater for quotes.
- If the application data has not been updated in the threshold selected, the Renewal policy details take priority and are synced to the application.
- If the application data has been updated within the range selected, the Application data takes priority and policy sync does not occur.
The threshold ranges are 30, 60, and 90 days.
QAS Quote Templates
Before you can generate a quote through Retention Center, you must first configure a quoting template for both the Homeowner and Personal Auto lines of business.
You can either pick an existing QAS Template by using the Select Template dropdown or create a new one by select the Create Template option.
If you select an existing template from the dropdown and it doesn't correspond with any carrier, an error message will appear, prompting you to edit your selection or choose a different template.
If you select the Create Template option, you'll be taken to the Quoting Automation page to create a template for the respective line of business. A template is supported for Personal Auto and all the individual Homeowner form types that can be rated in the Rater. Check out our How to Setup a QAS Template to learn how to setup a QAS Quote template from scratch.
Policy Sync Configuration
As mentioned in the Application Update Threshold section, the system will sync the renewal policy to the application. When the policy sync occurs, if the Carrier downloads different information than you have entered and stored into the Details Tab for the customer, the system will update the Applicant Details Tab with what was downloaded from the Carrier.
We understand that Agents consider the details stored in the Details Tab as their source for contact information (along with important details), therefore we are providing a choice for you to pick from.
You decide what you want to be updated when the policy sync occurs.
- Do not sync application details (default option) - Choose this if you prefer not to have this information merged or overwritten from the renewal policy.
- Sync applicant details - Choose this if you prefer to have the renewal policy update the Applicant Details.
Once you have chosen the threshold, setup which QAS Templates you want the system to use and decided on the Policy Sync configuration select the Save button to save your setup. Now you're ready for Automatic Quoting!
We hope this training article was helpful in setting up your Retention Center product. Please let us know if this article was helpful by answering the question below. Check out our related training articles on the right-side to learn more about how to master EZLynx!
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