Outlook - How to Use Outlook Add-in
Modified on: Mon, 9 Dec, 2024 at 4:09 PM
EZLynx has created an email add-in for the Office 365 platform. Installing the add-in from the Online version of Office 365 gives you the EZLynx Office 365 Email Add-In capability across all your devices. It is compatible with all your devices and browsers, including Mac.
This add-in has the following capabilities:
- Rename the email and all attachments for cleaner, more efficient filing
- Choose which attachments to save
- Interact with Workspace without leaving Outlook
- Update Applicant email addresses with one click
- Efficient Sent Email filing workflow
To learn how to install the add-in, please see: How to Install the Outlook Email Add-In
Please note: This feature is included in our Communication Center.
To tell if you have our Communication Center, look for the icon on the grey navigation bar.
If you are interested in purchasing our Communication Center, please email sales@ezlynx.com
Rename & Choose What is Attached
1. Select an email you wish to save in EZLynx.
2. Select the Applicant you want to attach the email to.
3. Click Save Email.
4. Revise the Discussion Title of your email if applicable.
(Please note: The Discussion Title will default to the email subject line unless otherwise specified.)
5. Input a Note.
6. Add tasks, labels, sticky notes, attachments, and associate to a policy.
7. Toggle to exclude all attachments, include embedded images, or check the individual attachments needed for saving.
8. Click the Edit (pencil) icon to rename the attachments if applicable.
9. When complete, click the Save button.
Interact with Workspace
While saving your email you can do the following:
- Add a Note -
- Add a Task or Attach to an Existing Task -
- Add Labels -
- Make Sticky Notes -
- Associate to a Specific Policy -
Update Applicant Email Address
If your Applicant changes their email address, you no longer have to go into EZLynx to manually update the email on the Details tab. Simply, toggle Update account's email address to indicate you want to update the email address for this Applicant.
Efficient Sent Email Filing Workflow
All of your emails sent in the last 24 hours are now kept in one convenient location for efficient filing.
1. Click the Sent (arrow) icon.
2. Click the Sent Email in question.
3. Click Dismiss button if you do NOT need to file this email in EZLynx.
4. Click Save Email button if you NEED to file this email in EZLynx.
5. Click the Dismiss All button at the bottom, if you want to dismiss all current emails on the Sent Email list.
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