EZLynx Connect - How to Enable, Disable, & Hide Integrations
Modified on: Thu, 4 Apr, 2024 at 3:12 PM
EZLynx Connect is our integration store for your agency. It provides third-party businesses an avenue to distribute their products and services directly within the EZLynx platform. We've opened the EZLynx framework and invited carriers and vendors to work side-by-side with our technologists to innovate and integrate solutions to better the agency workflow.
In this article we will cover how to access the Connect Marketplace, how to navigate the Connect Home page, how to Enable & Disable integrations, and how to navigate the My Integrations pages. For Connect Admins, we will also cover how to navigate the Branch Configuration & Hidden Integrations page, how to hide integrations, and how to enable, disable, & hide integrations for your branches if applicable.
- Accessing the Connect Marketplace
- Marketplace - Home
- How to Enable an Integration
- Marketplace - My Integrations
- Agency Admin - Hidden Integrations
- Agency Admin - Branch Configuration
Accessing the Connect Marketplace
Once signed into your EZLynx account, you will see an icon that resembles a plug on the left-hand bar. This signifies the ability to plug the integrations into your EZLynx account.
If you hover over the Connect icon, it will provide you with a navigation menu. We will talk more about each of the following pages through out this article, but for now, here is a high level of each of the options you will see on the navigation menu.
- Home - This is the home page of the Connect Marketplace and the central location to find all available integrations.
- My Integrations - This page shows all the integrations you have enabled for your account or that have been enabled for your agency by your Connect Admin.
- Disabled Integrations - This page shows all the integrations you have disabled for your account.
Agency Admin
- Branch Configuration - Only Connect Admins will be able to see this option. This allows an Admin to enable, disable, or hide integrations for their branches if applicable.
- Hidden Integrations - Only Connect Admins will be able to see this option. This page shows all the integrations that have been hidden meaning that users will not be able to see the integration to enable it.
Let's start with the Connect Home page!
1. Hover over the Connect icon, it will provide you with a navigation menu.
2. Then, click the Home option.
Marketplace - Home
When you access the Connect Home page, you will see all the different integrations under their respective categories. If you want to see all the integrations in a category, you can click the See All button on the right-hand side.
To find an integration, you can use the Search Integrations field to search for the integration by name and/or description. You can also use the tags to the right of the search field to find integrations. Tags are short descriptions that relate to the integration's functionality and/or status.
To view the details about an integration, click the integration's card. This will take you to the Integration's Details page. The Integration's Details page has three sections.
- About This Integration - This section provides the basic details of the integration's provider and the integration's Support information.
- Benefits - This sections describes the main advantages to using the integration and how it can benefit your agency.
- View Related Integrations - This section shows other integrations for other EZLynx products by the same vendor.
How to Enable an Integration
Now that you know how to navigate the Connect Home page, let's talk about how to enable an integration. To enable an integration, you first must obtain an account with the vendor. Once you have an account with a vendor, you can follow the steps below to turn on the integration in EZLynx.
1. Once you have an account with the vendor, click the integration's card. This will take you to the Integration's Details page.
2. From the Integration's Details page, click the Action button and then click Add Integration.
3. Input the credentials you obtained from the vendor. These could be called different things as they depend on the vendor.
4. Click I Agree to acknowledge the connection between the integration and your EZLynx account.
5. Then click the Save button.
This should take you back to the Integration's Details page where you will see a message in the top right-hand corner that says "You have added this integration."
Another great way to tell if an integration is enabled or not is from the Connect Home page. On the Connect Home page look for green or purple check-marks in the top right-hand corner of the integration's card. These checkmarks mean the integration is currently enabled.
A green check-mark means that it is enabled for your account while a purple check-mark means that the integration is enabled for your agency as a whole. Some integrations are agency wide integrations which means once it is enabled everyone in the agency has access to it. While other integrations are enabled at a user level, and everyone can have it enabled or disabled respectively for their account.
You can also have "linked" integrations, where two or more integrations can share the same setup. This allows you to enable multiple integrations in a single step and enter any authentication only once. For example, some cross-sell integrations are configured for both the Rating Shelf and the Client Center Shelf.
When adding an integration in the Marketplace, you will be presented with a single window that shows any configuration options and a list of integrations that could be "linked" to this configuration. You can check or uncheck the integrations you desire.

Marketplace - My Integrations
Now that you know how to enable integrations, let's take a look at the My Integrations page. The My Integrations page is where you can find all of the integrations you currently have enabled or access to. To access this page, hover over the Connect icon and click the My Integrations option. On this page you will find the following information:
- Vendor - This is the name of the vendor
- Category - This is the category that the integration is associated to
- Integration - This is the name of the integration
- Status - This is whether the integration is enabled or disabled. Active means its currently enabled.
- Last Modified - This is the date the integration was enabled or the last time the credentials were updated
- Actions - These are buttons where you will be able to View or Remove the respective integration
If you click the More Actions button, you will see two options: View and Remove.
- View - This takes you to the same Integration Details page we saw in when enabling the integration that holds the details, support info, benefits, and other related integrations.
- Remove - This moves the integration from Enabled to Disabled and removes the integration from the My Integrations page.
Agency Admin - Hidden Integrations
Now that we have covered the basics of the Marketplace, let's talk about the Admin only features. If you are a Connect Admin, you will see a section on the navigation menu called Agency Admin. This section is only available to Connect Admins. If you do not see this section, please reach out to your Agency Admin for assistance.
As a Connect Admin, there might be certain integrations you would not like your agency to utilize due to contractual agreements with other vendors or for any other reason. If you would like to hide integrations, you can do this from the Hidden Integrations page. To access this page, hover over the Connect Icon and click Hidden Integrations. On this page, you will find the following information:
- Vendor - This is the name of the vendor
- Category - This is the category that the integration is associated to
- Integration - This is the name of the integration
- Visibility - This is whether the integration is visible to your users or not. Shown means they can see the integration.
- Last Modified - This is the date the integration was last moved from either the Shown or Hidden status.
- Modified By - This is the name of the Connect Admin that last modified the visibility of the integration.
- Actions - These are buttons where you will be able to Hide or Show the integration.
If you click the More Actions button next to an integration whose Visibility is Shown, you will see the Hide option. If you click the More Actions button next to an integration whose Visibility is Hidden, you will see the Show option.
- Hide - This moves the integration from the Shown Visibility to the Hidden Visibility meaning everyone in the agency can no longer see this integration in the Connect Home page.
- Show - This moves the integration from Hidden Visibility to the Shown Visibility meaning everyone in the agency can see this integration in the Connect Home page.
Agency Admin - Branch Configuration
Now that we have covered Hiding and Showing integrations, let's talk about another Connect Admin feature - Branch Configuration. If you are a Connect Admin, you will see a section on the navigation menu called Agency Admin. This section is only available to Connect Admins. If you do not see this section, please reach out to your Agency Admin for assistance.
As a Connect Admin, there might be certain integrations you would not like your branches to utilize due to contractual agreements with other vendors or for any other reason. If you would like to hide integrations for your branches, you can do this from the Branch Configuration page. To access this page, hover over the Connect Icon and click Branch Configuration. On this page, you will find the following information:
- Vendor - This is the name of the vendor
- Category - This is the category that the integration is associated to
- Integration - This is the name of the integration
- Last Modified - This is the date the integration was last moved from either the Shown or Hidden status.
- Select - These are buttons where you will dive into the branch configuration for the respective integration
If you click the Select button next to an integration this will take you into the branch configuration page for that integration which will provide you the following information:
- Agency Name - This is the name of the vendor
- State - This is the category that the integration is associated to
- Configuration Status - This is whether or not the integration is currently enabled for the respective branch
- Visibility Status - This is the date the integration was last moved from either the Shown or Hidden status
To configure a branch or branches for this integration, you can check the boxes to the left of the respective branch or if you want to select all the branches, you can click the Select All button in the middle. Then, click either the Hide, Show, or Configure buttons at bottom left-hand corner.
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