Most carriers have specific underwriting questions that must be answered within the rating application to provide a quote. Setting Carrier Questions allows you to pick answers that fit the majority of your quoting situations so that those answers will automatically pre-fill into new rating applications. This makes quoting faster! Once the Carrier Questions are set for the majority, you would only need to change the answer in the rating application manually when a unique situation comes up.


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Producer Codes

When completing a rating application, it is very important to enter the correct producer code. The producer code determines where on the carrier site the quote is stored. Therefore, if an incorrect code is entered, you won’t be able to find the quote on the carrier site when you go to bind the policy. How you are granted access to your carriers, will determine if you are responsible for setting your producer code, or if a parent agency is responsible and will set one for you.

The main way to tell if you are responsible for setting the producer code in EZLynx is whether or not you can log into the carrier's website.

  • If you can log into a carrier's website to finalize quotes and bind policies, EZLynx refers this type of carrier as an independent account. If a carrier is an independent account for you, then it is your responsibility to set the producer code in EZLynx yourself. 

  • If you cannot log into the carrier's website to finalize quotes and bind policies, EZLynx refers this type of carrier as a shared account. Normally, you are being granted access to this carrier in EZLynx via a parent agency. If a carrier is a shared account for you, then it is the responsibility of an admin at the parent agency to set the producer code in EZLynx for you. 

Attention! - Even if a parent agency is responsible for setting a producer code, you are still responsible for setting the other carrier questions. The parent agency is only responsible for the producer code since they are sharing access to that carrier.

How to set Carrier Questions


1. Hover over the Settings icon.

2. Click Carrier Quoting Setup.



3. Click the carrier's card.



4. Click the Carrier Questions tab.

5. Use the drop-down to select which state you can quote this carrier in. 

6. Click which lines of business you can quote this carrier in. This will show all carrier underwriting questions for the carrier, state, and line of business selected. 

Did you know? - You can toggle the Only Show Unanswered Questions to see only the questions that don't have answers.

8. The My Answers column is where you input answers to the questions that will pre-fill for only you when on new applications. 
9. The Agency Answers column is where an Agency Admin can input answers to the questions that will pre-fill for everyone in the agency on new applications. 

10. Once you've filled out the answers, click the Save button. 

Now that you've inputted answers for this carrier + state + line of business combination, repeat steps 5-8 and input answers for all combinations of state and lines of business that you are licensed with for this carrier.

Attention! - My Answers will override the Agency Answers. If you are an Admin and do not want My Answers to override the Agency Answers, use the lock icon to lock the Agency Answers into place so nothing can override them.

Once you are done answering all relevant carrier questions, click the Back to Carriers button. Repeat steps 3-8 for all carriers you plan to quote with. 

The answers you have set will automatically populate into new rating applications. When you want to answer an application question differently than your default answer, you can change them on individual applications anytime you’d like. 

We hope this training article was helpful in setting up Carrier Question defaults to make quoting faster. Please let us know if this article was helpful by answering the question below. Check out our related training articles on the right-side to learn more about how to master EZLynx!