The vision of EZLynx Automation Center is to empower your agency to be profitable by enabling you to eliminate redundant operational activities. Our goal is to help improve efficiency across the entire agency ecosystem by facilitating workflow automation beyond EZLynx. We understand agencies need to use external systems via Connect to deliver enhanced consumer experience for their customers.

As a step in the right direction, this new feature enables your agency to use Automation Center to automate actions in the vendor system and deliver personalized communication to your customers. This release introduces the Automation Center integration with consumer communication vendor SPLICE. With this capability, you can use EZLynx automation triggers to initiate communication with your customer through their preferred channel. 

We believe this will empower your agency to engage with your customers in a meaningful way. We are excited that the SPLICE software's automated communications will help you streamline your customer journey, improve customer experience, and drive revenue.


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Enabling SPLICE Integration

You can enable the SPLICE Integration by simply locating it in Connect Marketplace. To do this, hover over the Connect icon on the left bar in EZLynx. Then, click Home.

From the Connect home page use the Search Integrations bar to type SPLICE. When the integration card comes up, click on the SPLICE Card.

From inside the SPLICE Integration page, click the Actions button. Then, click Add Integration.

From inside the Connection Management page, if you have branches, decide if you would like them to have access to this integration. Then, click the I agree option. Finally, click the Save button to finish adding SPLICE to your account.

The page will reload, and you should see a green message stating that the integration was added. Back in the Connect home page, you should also see a checkmark on the SPLICE card indicating this is enabled for your account.

Attention! - This integration is an Agency Wide Integration. Once the Admin enables this integration on their EZLynx Account it is available for everyone at the agency including branches if that option was checked during setup.

Where to find the SPLICE Actions in Automation Center

Once you enable the SPLICE integration in Connect, you can see the SPLICE actions while you create workflows in Automation Center. To access that, you must have Admin Automation Center access. If you do not have this access, please reach out to your Agency Admin for help. 

If you have Admin Automation Center access, hover over the Settings icon on the left bar in EZLynx. Then, click Automation Center.

Once inside of Automation Center, click the Workflows tab. Then, click the Create Workflow button.

From there, scroll down to the "Or select a trigger to start from scratch" section.

Under the respective product sections, you'll find the following triggers that currently work with the SPLICE Integration.

Product SectionName of TriggerDate Splice Integration Added
Management SystemNew CustomerJan. 27, 2023
Management SystemAdditional PolicyJan. 27, 2023
Management SystemPolicy RenewalJan. 27, 2023
Management SystemBirthdayJan. 27, 2023
Management SystemApplicant CreatedJan. 27, 2023
Management SystemClaimsJan. 27, 2023
Management SystemPolicy ReinstatementJan. 27, 2023
Retention CenterApplicant Added to the Renewal ListJan. 27, 2023
Retention CenterPolicy Added to the Expiration ListJan. 27, 2023 
Sales CenterPricing StatusJan. 27, 2023
Sales CenterInterview StatusJan. 27, 2023
Sales CenterPresentation StatusJan. 27, 2023
Sales CenterDecision StatusJan. 27, 2023
Sales CenterFulfillment StatusJan. 27, 2023 

From any of the above triggers, under the Actions step of creating a workflow, you will see 3 new actions - Text via SPLICE, Email via SPLICE, and Call via SPLICE.

These SPLICE actions are under the EZLynx Connect Integrations section while the other pre-existing EZLynx actions can be found under the Core Actions section.

To learn more about creating workflows, check out our Automation Center - How to Create a Workflow article!

What do the SPLICE Actions do?

When Splice is enabled by you, there will be 3 new actions as discussed in the above section. To better understand how they work, let's look at an example. 

Let's say you choose the Management System - New Customer trigger and chose the Text via SPLICE action. When the customer's first policy is issued, the Automation Center will send out a welcome message based on the template set up by you in SPLICE. The templates can be set up in SPLICE relevant to each of these triggers. EZLynx is unable to assist in setting up these templates so the SPLICE team will assist you in setting up these communication templates. You can find the SPLICE team contact information on the SPLICE Integration page. 


Once a workflow is successfully triggered, you can see a system activity in the system log of a customer's account. This will help you to understand what actions were executed. The header of the system log would be "Automation Center-EZLynx Connect Integration Action -" followed by the date and time the action was completed, and the user that made the automation workflow.

The description of the system log will be the following based on the action of the workflow:

  • If the action is email, the description will be "Applicant has been contacted by email via SPLICE."
  • If the action is text, the description will be "Applicant has been contacted by text via SPLICE."
  • If the action is call, the description will be "Applicant has been contacted by call via SPLICE."