As the trusted confidant of your customers, having accurate events on the account will equip you to handle delicate conversations thoughtfully. Sometimes a new account needs to be created from an existing account because a life event happened with the customer. In this article we show you how you can split accounts from existing accounts and how to make accounts as deceased.


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Split Account

There may be times when you need to split existing accounts to create new accounts. Under the Actions button on the Overview page of a customer's account that has an applicant and a co-applicant, hover over the Additional Actions option, and select Split Account.

You can select the specific details you want to transfer to the new account, such as address, drivers, vehicles, and coverages. If you have multiple drivers to move to the new account, you need to select one as the applicant for the new account. Additionally, you have the option to link the two accounts for future references

Attention! - This functionality is only available for Rating Applications and there must be two or more drivers available in the existing account.

Once you have finished splitting the accounts, the system will add a log to the Activity Page for both the existing and the newly created account. This will help you identify when the Split Account feature has been used. 

  • Existing Account - The message on the Activity page for the existing account will mention that the split happened, and new account that was created out of it.

  • New Account - The message on the Activity page for the new account will mention from which account this new account was created from. 

Deceased Indicator

To mark an applicant or co-applicant as deceased after their death, find the account's Details page. Under the Applicant info section, check the box labeled 'Deceased'. This will display the 'Date of Death' field. Type in the date of death or use the Calendar Icon to select the date using the Date picker.

Once you mark them as deceased, an indicator will show on the left panel showing them as deceased. 

To mark a Personal Lines Contact as deceased, locate them on the customer's Details page under the Contacts section. Select the Actions icon and then select View. This will take you to the Contact's Details page.

Check the box next to Deceased and a Date of Death field will display. Input the date of death and then scroll to the bottom of the page and choose Done. The page will refresh and take you back to the customer's Details page. There you will see the indicator that the contact has been marked as deceased. 

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