Accounting Payables Overview
Modified on: Thu, 16 Jan, 2025 at 6:46 PM
With this release, we are excited to announce the new Payables Overview page available in Accounting for select Accounting customers! This page is designed to show where your agency stands with current Payables balances. Bonus: It adjusts in real time!
- Easily navigate and see Open Payables
- Know where your agency stands with Payables at any moment in time
- Link directly to the Payable Worklist Report or Autopay
Did you know? - You can click on the images in our articles to make them bigger! |
Accessing the feature
You will access the new page the same way you access Payables today.
1. Hover over the Accounting icon.
2. Choose Payables from the list. This will redirect you to the new Payables Overview page.
How it works
The Payables Overview is the new landing page when navigating to Accounting and selecting Payables. The original tabs are still available the Payables Overview will just be first tab instead of Checks.
Use the Branch Filter to see the Payables for a specific location by selecting the down arrow and choosing the branch from the list. Also, the Payables by Branch section can be expanded to compare payables by location. By default it will always be collapsed when you come to the the Overview page. To expand, simply select the down arrow on the Payables by Branch section. To collapse the section, select the up arrow.
Attention! - The Branch filter will only be visible to agencies that have branches. |
There is a Paid in Full Only checkbox under the Branch filter. When checked, the system will filter the payable line items to show the invoices that have been paid in full by the customer. This is applicable for Agency Bill Payables associated with Invoices and Producers.
You can find the Total Payables on the left side of the page. Total Payables shows the total amount of all the payables that the agency owes. It will adjust based on the Branch filter and Paid in Full Only checkbox selection(s).
Below the Total Payables, there are Payee cards that show the total payables by Payee:
- Billing Company – This is money owed to the Billing Company for Agency Bill invoices/policies.
- Branch – These payables exist when a payable is made to a branch to transfer money to their bank account.
- Finance Company – Payables represented here are created when a refund for a policy is created and money is owed back to the Finance Company.
- Insured – The totals listed here reflect money owed back to Insureds for returned premium.
- Producer – This is money owed to your producers both Agency Bill and Direct Bill. It will allow you to easily see where your producers stand with their monthly commissions and what they have earned.
- Tax Authority, Third Party and Writing Company – These payables are created when they are added onto Invoices for specific line items.
Any Payees that do not have open payables will not be shown on the Payables Overview since there is nothing owed to them.
When a Payee Card is selected the page will update with more details included the specific Payee names creating that balance.
The table with Payables by Payee will have the option to sort by any of the listed columns by selecting the column header to sort Ascending and selecting the column header a second time to sort Descending.
You can also filter the table using the various drop-downs. The drop-downs available are determined by the Payee Card you have selected on the left side of the page.
After reviewing the payables, link directly to AutoPay to create checks quickly or link directly to the Payable Worklist Report using the respective buttons in the top-right of the page. Then watch the Payables Overview update in real time.
Why this is important
These updates should allow you to quickly see where your agency stands with Payables without having to run any reports. You can easily compare what the Carriers, Producers, Insureds and more are owed. Have confidence knowing the exact balance of each Payee in your system and split by branch. Seamlessly filter Payables by Branch, Paid in Full Only or a specific Payee to find the information you need.
- Monitor Producer Payables: Use the Producer Payee Card to see where your producers stand with their commission in real time. Based from approved Commission Statements with Receipts and Invoices created with commission splits.
- Verify Payable Statements: When a statement is received from a Carrier quickly see if all the invoices have been created. To make the best use of this feature, check this page periodically throughout the month to see where your agency stands with Payables.
We hope you are excited for this new feature and look forward to future releases. Check out the related articles on the right side to learn more about EZLynx!
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