In this training article, we will cover how to build a report to find your percentage of Direct Bill vs Agency Bill Commission for the last fiscal year. This report can be helpful if you are trying to figure out if you do more Agency Bill Commission vs. Direct Bill Commissions. Please note, in order to run this report your agency must have and be using the EZLynx Accounting product because the report we will be using is specific to the Accounting product. 


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Navigate to Invoice Summary

First, let's navigate to the base report.

1. Hover over the Reports icon on the left navigation bar to open the Reports menu.

2. Choose Accounting under the Categories section. This will take you to the Accounting Category Reports page.

3. Scroll down to the Receivables section and choose Invoice Summary. This will take you to the Invoice Summary report.

Set Date Range Filters

Second, we'll set the date range filter to include only the last fiscal year. 

1. Select "is in the last 30 days" under Invoice Date. This will open the filter. 

2. Select "is in the last" to open the date type dropdown. This will let you customize the date filter. 

3. Choose "is in range". This will let you choose a beginning date and an end date for the date range filter. 

4. Select the first date box to open the date field. This is the date field that will determine the beginning of the date range filter. 

5. Select the Calendar icon to open the Calendar date selector. 

6. Using either the scroll bar or the Month/Year selector find the beginning of the last fiscal year.

7. Repeat steps 4-6 for the second date field which will determine the end of the date range filter.

8. Your date range filter should now encompass the last fiscal year. Now that we've adjusted all our filters we need to apply them to the report. To apply the changes, select the Update button. This will apply the filters and refresh the report.

Agency Commission by Billing Type

Finally, we can take a look at the finalized data.

Using the Agency Commission by Billing Type Dashboard we can now see what the billing type percentage split was for the last fiscal year. 

If you hover over the Information icon, you can get information on what this dashboard is actual displaying. 

If you hover over a piece of the pie chart, you can see the Total Agency Commission dollar amount for that billing type.

Downloading the Dashboard Data

If you are looking to download the data for the entire pie chart, but not the entire report, follow these steps below.

1. Select the Dashboard Actions icon which is three vertical dots on the Dashboard card. Not the three vertical dots in the top right of the page.

2. Choose Download data. This will open the Download window. 

3. Choose either Excel Spreadsheet or CSV under the Format dropdown. 

4. Select the Download button. This will download only the Dashboard data as a file to your computer where you can work on it further in Excel. This is great if you need to aggregate the data.

Please note - Downloading the data this way will only provide the high-level percentage data on the Dashboard. If you want to download the list of accounts that make up the percentage's, please see the next section of this article.

If you hover over a piece of the pie chart, you can see the Total Agency Commission dollar amount for that billing type.

If you click into that piece of the pie chart you are hovering over, it will open a new window that will have a table of what accounts make up that percentage. From here you could download just this piece of the pie's data. 

Just as before, selecting Download will open the Download window where you can choose the format. Downloading the data this way will provide you with the detailed table of data rather than the high-level dashboard data.

We hope this article was helpful in learning how to run a report to find your billing type percentage split for commissions. Please let us know if this article was helpful by answering the question below. Check out our related articles on the right-side of the page to learn more about EZLynx!