Documents - Agency Form Templates
Modified on: Mon, 10 Feb, 2025 at 5:24 PM
Agency Form Templates is a Management System feature. With Agency Form Templates, you can upload a custom merge document (Word or PDF), then access it from any applicant and have it pre-fill with the applicant, policy, agency and agent data stored in EZLynx.
EZLynx will pre-fill data with Font Type - Times New Roman and Font Size - 8 pt. To remain consistent, it is a good idea to create the PDF template with the same font style and size.
List of EZLynx Mapping (Merge) Fields that can be used with Agency Form Templates.
- Create Word Document Agency Form Template
- Create PDF Agency Form Template
- Upload Agency Form Template to EZLynx
- How to Use Agency Form Template on Customer Account
Create Word Document Agency Form Template
With Agency Form Templates, you can upload a custom merge document or editable PDF, then have the unique applicant, policy, agent, and agency data pre-fill each time the form template is used. Examples of Agency Form Templates include a fax cover sheets, customer invoices, and custom insurance applications – all of these can include your agency’s logo.
Create a Word (2013) Merge Document: (Preferred method)
- At the top of Word, click the Insert tab.
- Click Quick Parts - Then select Field.
- Set Category to Mail Merge.
- Set Field names to MergeField.
- Enter a Field name;
- We recommend using an EZLynx Mapping Field name.
- Or, enter any identifiable field name for mapping to the appropriate EZLynx Mapping Field later.
- Click OK. The mapped field replaces the merge field in the uploaded document.
- Repeat these steps to add all of the mapping fields.
Create PDF Agency Form Template
With Agency Form Templates, you can upload a custom merge document or editable PDF, then have the unique applicant, policy, agent, and agency data pre-fill each time the form template is used. Examples of Agency Form Templates include a fax cover sheets, customer invoices, and custom insurance applications – all of these can include your agency’s logo.
In order for an agency form to pre-fill with EZLynx data, or to be editable when the information does not exist in EZLynx, it must be in an editable PDF format when uploaded to EZLynx.
To create an editable PDF (Using PDF Escape):
- Locate the PDF document.
- Go to PDFescape website - a free online software.
- Choose File from your computer or drag and drop.
- Click Upload.
- Click Form Field at upper left, to create the fields that will pre-fill from EZLynx applicant data. If the pre-fill data is not available in EZLynx, the field will be editable so you can enter the information manually.
- In the Form Field Creation Tool box, leave set to Text, and click Select.
- Click and hold mouse to draw a box in the PDF document – draw it where you want the pre-fill data to be added to the PDF – adjust the size of the box if necessary.
- Right-click inside the box, select Object Properties.
- In the Form Field Properties box, go to Name.
- Enter one of these EZLynx Mapping Fields as the Field Name. This is the data that EZLynx can pre-fill into custom agency forms.
- Click OK.
- Repeat steps 6-9 until all fields to be pre-filled with EZLynx data are added to the PDF.
To include fields that EZLynx cannot pre-fill, editable fields can be added instead:
- Click Insert tab at upper left, and select Text.
- Click and hold mouse to draw a box where you want the editable field to be placed in the PDF- adjust the size of the box if necessary.
- Once all fields have been added to the PDF, Save icon on left to save this editable PDF to your computer.
Upload Agency Form Template to EZLynx
To upload an Agency Form Template:
- Hover over the Settings (Gear) icon, and select Manage Form Templates.
- If you don’t have this option, have an admin contact to authorize giving you this permission.
- Click the blue button to Add Form Template.
- A pop-up box will appear - At Description, create a document name.
- Click Choose File - locate the doc on your computer.
- To share with others in your agency, check the box to Share with Agencies.
- Click Save.
- The Edit Field Mappings box appears:
- The uploaded document’s merge fields are listed on the left, and the EZLynx fields that can be mapped are on the right.
- At the EZLynx Field drop downs, select the EZLynx data that you want to map to the Document Fields.
- When finished - Click Save.
How to Use Agency Form Template on Customer Account
To use a custom form template on an applicant's account:
- From any applicant’s Documents tab, click Add at upper right, and select Form.
- At left, click the Agency Forms tab.
- Locate form, and check its box.
- There is a search box to locate any form by number, name or type.
- When applicable, use the Policy dropdown to associate the form with a specific policy.
- Click Add Document.
- Optionally:
- Email the document from Actions on right.
- Share document on Client Center by checking Share box (for Client Center users).
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