Email Campaigns - Settings for Admins
Modified on: Thu, 4 Apr, 2024 at 1:37 PM
With our Email Campaigns product you can bulk email your customers or you can send a single email campaign to a select few customers. Using Email Campaigns in combination with our Reports feature also allows you to build well-defined recipient reports and send targeted marketing messages. This type of marketing has a high return-on-investment and is well proven to increase new sales, brand awareness, and customer loyalty.
As the Email Campaigns Admin, you have the ability to upload an agency logo, set signatures for your agency as a whole and set Custom Domains for your agency. It is also your responsibility as the Email Campaigns Admin to go through the Pay Link process to insure that your agency has a money balance to use Email Campaigns. If you are also a Management System Admin it is also your responsibility to create and share reports with your fellow agents so they can use the report to send out targeted email campaigns.
To learn about the Pay Link process, see: Pay Link Process
To learn about how to build and share reports, see: Report Basics
Upload Agency Logo
New! This setting gives you the opportunity to add an Agency Logo and share it with your subs/branches if applicable. Once an Agency Logo is uploaded, everyone in the agency can then utilize the Agency Logo Personalization Tag to easily add the branding to their Email Signature and/or Email Campaigns.
Check out the Subject & Personalization Tag section of the Email Campaigns - How to Create Email Campaign Templates to see the full steps on adding a Personalization Tag!
To upload an Agency Logo for your agency's users, hover over the Communication Center icon. Then, under the Email Campaigns section, click Settings.
Under the General Preferences, tab click the Choose File button. Then your computer's file explorer will open. Find the image file you would like to use. Currently, the supported file types are:
Also, please note that the max file size is 1 MB. We highly recommend not going over this max file size and to test the logo using the Send Test Campaign option on the Schedule Step when sending an Email Campaign to make sure the logo is an appropriate size before sending it out to customers.
Once you have selected the file you want to use, the Choose file section will update to say the name of your file. Then, click the Save button. This should refresh the screen and a Current Logo section will appear displaying your image.
Once the logo is uploaded, you have option to share the logo with your subs/branches if applicable and you can also prevent users in your agency and/or subs/branches from changing the logo to a different one.
To share the logo with your branches, check the box next to "Share the logo with your branches". Then, click into the "Select the branches that will use this logo" box. This will provide a drop-down of all your subs/branches. Click on the sub/branch you want to share the logo with and the system will add their agency name to the box. Repeat this process for all the subs/branches you want to share the logo with. When you are done, click the Save button at the bottom.
To prevent other users in your agency from changing the logo, check the box next to "Prevent other users in your agency from changing the logo." Then, click into the "Select the agencies that aren't allowed to change this logo" box. This will provide a drop-down of all your subs/branches. Click on the sub/branch you want to share the logo with and the system will add their agency name to the box. Repeat this process for all the subs/branches you want to share the logo with. When you are done, click the Save button at the bottom.
Set Global Signature
Before you send an email campaign, you want to set the email address for replies and what your signature will look like if you include it. As the Email Campaign Admin, you have the ability to set a signature for the entire agency.
![]() | Note! The Email Campaign Signature settings are connected to the Settings > Email Signature. If you update one, it will automatically update the other. |
1. Hover over the Communication Center icon.
2. Click Settings.
3. Click the Modify button.
![]() | Did you know? The Default Consumer Quoting Portal is a cool feature if you are going to be sending out the Consumer Quoting Personalization Tag in an Email Campaign. By default, we link your agency's portal for you so there is no need to adjust the setting unless your agency has 2 Consumer Quoting Portals. |
4. Insert the email address you want the customer to reply to.
5. If you are HTML savvy, you can edit the source code by clicking the Source button..
6. If you have an image that you want to copy and paste, click the Paste button.
7. If you have an image that you want to upload from your computer, click the Image button.
8. If you want the signature to pre-fill certain information for you like your agency's address, click the Insert Personalization Tag button.
9. Check if you want the email signature to be in every email you send or not.
10. Under Global Settings, you can check to make the signature you built the default for every in your agency.
11. Once all changes are made, click the Save button.
![]() | Note! The Email Campaign Signature settings are connected to the Settings > Email Signature. If you update one, it will automatically update the other. |
Set Custom Domains (CNAME & DNS Records)
By default, emails sent from EZLynx are sent using This is because we do not have permission to send emails out using your agency's email address. This might confuse some recipients or cause emails to be flagged as spam. To improve email deliver-ability, the Email Campaign Admin can add a Custom Domain so that the emails will display your email address instead.
![]() | Note! This is an advanced option that will require you or your hosting provider to make changes to the DNS records associated to your domain. This option is only available for use with domains that you control. As a result, you cannot use this feature with third-party email addresses like or |
1. Hover over the Communication Center icon.
2. Click Settings.
3. Click the Custom Domains tab.
4. Click the Add Domain button.
5. Under Step One - Add Domain, input your domain into the box.
6. Click the Next button.
7. Under Step Two - Validate Changes, copy the DNS records and either provide them to your domain registrar or the company that manages your agency's website.
8. Click Save and Validate Later.
![]() | Note! Each domain registrar (the company that the agency used to purchase the custom domain) handles the adding of the DNS records differently. EZLynx does not provide any support related to actually adding the DNS records to the domain registrar's website. For this type of support, it is necessary to contact the domain registrar or the company that manages your agency's website. |
9. Once your domain registrar has inputted the DNS records on their end, come back into Step Two - Validate Changes and click the Validate button. You will see green check marks if everything has connected correctly.
![]() | Note! The Custom Domains feature will not change the from email for the eSignature feature because those emails are being sent from a vendor. The eSignature emails will always be from |
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