With this release, we are excited to announce that our beta version of the Voice over IP (VoIP) integration with Vonage is now live and generally available to all new and existing Vonage customers! This integration allows for lots of cool features to make your day to day easier. 

  • Customer Profiles - With Incoming calls, customer information is automatically pulled up so conversations are productive from the very start.
  • Call Routing - The ability to designate specific phone numbers for each client's specific insurance need - life, commercial, personal, etc. - automatically routes call through an automated workflow to the correct areas of operation.
  • Call Logging - Incoming and Outgoing calls will be logged as system activities on the customer's account in EZLynx creating a communication audit trail. 

If you are interested in getting started with this cool product, please see our Vonage partner page and see Enabling VoIP Vonage Integration when you are ready to turn the feature on.


To learn more about our Connect Marketplace product, please see: EZLynx Connect for EZLynx 5

In this article we will cover the Call Logging feature which is new for this integration as of this release. 


Call Logging

When an incoming or outgoing call is completed, EZLynx will automatically create a note on the applicant. If desired, you can add additional notes to the discussion to document the contents of the call.

Sent & Received Calls

Under the Communication Center icon in the Voice & Text section, the Sent & Received page has been updated to reflect incoming and outgoing calls along with the text messages. You can tell which are calls and which are texts by looking at the icons on the left. 

We've also added some new filters to help sort through the text messages, incoming calls, and outgoing calls. You can also click on the phone number to quickly call the customer back! 

Unresolved Calls

Under the Communication Center icon in the Voice & Text section, the Unresolved page has been updated to reflect unresolved calls along with unresolved text messages. The process is the same as unresolved texts. Use the drop-down to find the customer's account that the phone number belongs to so that the system can create the activity log. To learn more about how to handle unresolved texts and calls, see our Unresolved Texts section of our How to Send a Text Message article!