Automation Center - Workflow Icon
Modified on: Thu, 4 Apr, 2024 at 3:56 PM
The Automation Center can automate task creation and send email campaigns and text messaging automatically depending on events and filters the Automation Center Admin sets up. These Workflows save time and increase productivity by letting the system track common events so that you can focus on more important tasks.
The Workflow Icon allows you to see the workflows associated to a specific customer as well as manual workflows that you have access to trigger whenever necessary.

Accessing the Workflow Icon
You can find the Workflow Icon next in the top right-hand corner of EZLynx. If you have our Management System you might also see the Agency Workspace icons next to it. If you click on the Workflow icon, it will open the Workflow pane. The My Workflows section will be shown by default if you are not on a customer account.
In Progress Workflows
In Progress Workflows shows and workflows that are currently running which means the system is working on processing the workflow. Most of the time there won't be any results listed under the In Progress section because the workflow engine will authenticate a workflow and execute its actions instantly. We are working on allowing workflows to be triggered with scheduled delays. When that feature releases this In Progress section will be more commonly used.
History of Workflows
The History of Workflows will show the past workflows that have triggered for a customer. You can either search for a customer's account or if you are already on the customer's account it will display the past workflows. When you are viewing the past workflows you can expand to see more details by clicking the arrow. There you can see:
- Applicant - The Customer's Name
- Workflow Type - The complexity of the workflow (Currently, all workflows are labeled as Basic, but be on the look out for future releases!)
- Start Time - The time the workflow was triggered
- End Time - The time the workflow finished or was cancelled
- Status - Whether the workflow failed or succeeded
- Owned By - The EZLynx User that created the workflow
- View Workflow - This allows you to view the individual actions that were triggered when the workflow went off.
Manual Workflows
On the rare occasions, the Automation Center doesn't have a trigger you need, you can always make a Manual Workflow. Manual Workflows are workflows that will only trigger when you ask them to. A great example of this is if a customer leaves you a voicemail while you are own lunch. Unless you have your Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP) connected to EZLynx, the system will not know when this happens. To make sure you always follow-up with your customers, you can make a Manual Workflow that you trigger when you listen to your voicemails.
1. Click the Workflow Icon.
2. Find the Customer.
3. Click the Manual Workflow Icon.
4. Expand the Workflow you want to trigger.
5. Click Start Workflow.
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