If you experience any issues or error messages when creating eSignature envelopes, the most common issues is caused because it is not a flattened document(s). This mean there is normally security measures around the document keeping EZLynx from being able to place the eSignature boxes. This fix is to flattened or reprint the document(s).

Steps to Fix

1. On the Customer's Documents tab, locate the document. 

2. Click Actions.

3. Click Download.

4. Open the file on your computer.

5. Click the Print icon.

6. Under the Printer Name or Destination change it to PDF Printer.

7. Then click Save.

8. Resave the file to your computer so it's easy to find.

9. Then, upload the new file into the Customer's Documents tab and try to create the eSignature again.

If this does not fix your issues, see our FIX - Experiencing Issues? article or email support@ezlynx.com